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4. Score input screen
:1. :2ABC :3DEF :4GHI :5JKL :6MNO :7PQRS :8TUV :9WXYZ :0@,!?*/#$% : Space : Delete : Ends the game : Switches between lowercase and uppercase
Black Jack ( PIM
Black Jack is a card game. The one whose cards add closest to 21 wins the hand. The player and the dealer get dealt two cards each. The player then chooses to receive another card (Hit) or play what he was dealt (Stay). You can get as many cards as you want, but the total value of the cards must not exceed 21. An (Ace) is valued at 1 or 11. J (Jack), Q (Queen) and K (King) are valued at 10. Two through Ten receive face value. If your first two cards are an A and a card valued at 10, you have a �Black Jack�. The dealer then shouts out �Black Jack�. If you get a Black Jack you win the hand, unless the dealer also has a Black Jack. To play Black Jack 1. Press Soft Key 2 PIM. 2. Press Game. Black Jack. . .
PIM Feat ures
: Input name completed
3. Choose game
4. For a new game, press
5. To start the game, press Soft Key 1
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